Thursday, June 9, 2011

And the EPIC adventure continues...

WARNING: This post may be at risk of being really gushy and ultra girlie.

So I'll be honest and say I'm gonna be a real girlie-girl about this, and so with that being said, TODAY'S MY 4TH YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!  WEEEEEEEEEE!!! We've survived! (And I really wanted to get this guy to perform our ceremony, but he was all booked up. JK! Love you Karl!)

Whew! Okay that felt really good.  Haha! Today marks four years of marriage for my hubby and I.  Which translates to four moves, numerous guinea pig meals (stopped counting after month one), disaster home-improvement incidents, gaffe gifts (anyone want a blender), arguments, triumphs, goals met, promotions, trips, moments that made us cry (both good and bad), loss of loved ones, new friendships, new life (I love da babies), wedding showers, baby showers, weddings and of course the list could go on and on...ISN'T LOVE GRAND!  But in all seriousness, and despite my joking, marriage has been one of the most fulfilling aspects of my life.  I'll be the first to admit that its not always a bed of roses, but it definitely makes the adventure much sweeter when you have someone there holding your hair after bad Chinese food, or rubbing your feet after a long day of work.  

I've always been the rather scatter-brained-off-the-wall-sorta-artsy-fartsy type with a rebel streak that runs a mile high.  But marriage has managed to change absolutely none of those things about me.  Which may only go to show that love truly is blind OR (possibly) in my husband’s case, mentally damaging. :-/ (Just Kidding).

But the point I'm trying to make and not quick enough, is that I'm so glad I chose this path.  (And for those of you who want to save your breakfast, lunch or dinner you can skip ahead to the cool movie clip, because here comes the gushy part.  Duck and cover.) 

I often stop to think about how so many parts of life are uncertain. And how there are really only a few major-milestone moments that we’re actually given the chance to choose our experiences.  Moments that allow us to really live up to our full potential or take us down the paths to becoming that better version of ourselves.  More importantly, I just wanted to say to my Mr. X (you know who you are) that I am truly lucky and blessed to have you, as my husband and best friend, on this adventure with me.

So as this EPIC journey that is my marriage continues, I looking forward to all the surprises and even the not-so-surprises to come (after all this is a real marriage).  So here’s to a LONG life full of royal goofs, random noises under the covers, awkward PDA moments, bad morning breath, inappropriate touching, beautiful progeny, epic family road trips, Griswald style family holidays, his and hers depends, gravity, and steamy magical nights of drool-worthy sleep after weeks of sleep deprivation with a newborn (TBA). ;-)

Love you baby!!!

PS - Being that I'm a self confessed movie addict, you guys must have known I wouldn't let an opportunity like this to go by without a special clip.  I offer this as a tribute to our special day. Enjoy!

The Princess Bride - "The Wedding"

Happy reading!

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